The simplest way you can configure jAlarms is through Spring or a similar framework for dependency injection.
Configuring jAlarms with Spring is very simple. You only need to setup the AlarmSender with all the channels that you want to use, inside an application context with the annotation-config setup, so that the @PostConstruct and @Resource annotations that are present in some channels can be processed.
Here is an example configuration for the MailChannel:
<!-- this channel will send alarms to the recipients defined in the mail template --> <bean id="alarmMailChannel" class="com.solab.alarms.channels.MailChannel"> <property name="javaMailSender" ref="javaMailSender" /> <property name="mailTemplate"><bean class="org.springframework.mail.SimpleMailMessage"> <property name="subject" value="My server application ALARM" /> <property name="from" value="" /> <property name="text"><value>My application has send this ALARM: ${msg} This notification has been automatically sent, do not reply. </value></property> <!-- This is obviously very important --> <property name="to" value="" /> </bean></property> </bean>
And here's an example of the MsnChannel and the TwitterChannel:
<!-- this channel will send alarms to everyone in the account's contact list --> <bean id="alarmMsnChannel" class="com.solab.alarms.channels.MsnChannel"> <property name="username" value="someMsnUsername" /> <property name="password" value="password" /> </bean> <!-- this channel will post the alarms as the status in the Twitter account --> <bean id="twitterChannel" class="com.solab.alarms.channels.twitter.TwitterChannel"> <property name="accessToken" value="AccessTokenYouGetByRunningThe_TwitterAuth_Program" /> <property name="tokenSecret" value="SecretObtainedFromThe_TwitterAuth_programIncludedWith_jAlarms" /> </bean>
Once you have configured the channels, all you need to do is setup the AlarmSender, which is the only bean you need to use from any component in your application.
<bean id="alarmSender" class="com.solab.alarms.AlarmSenderImpl"> <property name="alarmChannels"><list> <ref local="alarmMailChannel" /> <ref local="alarmMsnChannel" /> <ref local="twitterChannel" /> </list></property> </bean>
And then you just inject the alarmSender bean into any component that wants to use it to send alarms. In this example, any alarm will be sent by email to, to all the contacts of the MSN user someMsnUsername, and also will be posted as the status of the user you created for the app in Twitter (Twitter does not directly use the username/password of the user; it uses OAuth which is a little more convoluted but a little more secure).